Skill up
The process of education takes place throughout a person's life, which is based on changing needs to acquire knowledge, skills, experience in order to increase or change one's qualifications according to the requirements of the labour market, one's interests and needs. Lifelong education combines informal learning with formal education, develops innate abilities along with new competences - Latvia's sustainable development strategy until year 2030.
The Transport Academy offers informal education as additional training programs - qualification improvement courses, scientific-practical seminars, or work on the latest equipment, software or other infrastructure. After successful completion of each course, the participant receives a certificate with the name, date and scope of the course, seminar or lesson.
The list of qualification improvement courses and scientific-practical seminars that the Transport Academy has conducted recently or plans to implement:
- Analysis of the Influence of Climatic Factors to the Catenary Network's Parameters.
- Scientific-practical seminar – intelligent management of railway infrastructure objects with integrated diagnostic and forecasting methods.
- High-speed Railway. Elements and Specifics of Infrastructure Design.
- Provision of seminars and educational events, as well as the development of educational materials in the professional continuing education program "Energy and electrical engineering".
- General principles of operation, technology and management organization of train movement on high-speed railways.
- Train control and safety systems on high-speed railways.
- Organization of movement and management of train movement dispatchers on high-speed railways.
- Safety of high-speed rail transport.
- Design and construction of energy supply equipment and devices for high-speed railways.